Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Tractor Foods located?

We have 8 locations across beautiful British Columbia in Metro Vancouver & Victoria. Find the location nearest you here.

Do you have vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options?

Yes! At Tractor, we have something for everyone! We have many vegetarian/vegan options including most of our market side salads and soups. While many of our items can be gluten-free, we cannot guarantee 100% gluten-free as we do have gluten-containing products in our kitchens. We do our best to avoid cross-contamination but do not recommend our menu for those with celiac disease.

Are you open for breakfast?

Yes! We are open for breakfast at our Ash, and Pender locations. Check out our menu page to view our breakfast offerings.

Do you take reservations?

As we are a counter-service restaurant we do not take reservations. We are busiest between 11:30am-1pm daily, so make sure to leave some extra time if you want to dine-in during our lunch rush.

Where do I find nutritional information?

You can find our nutritional information on our menu page.

Are your ingredients organic?

We source organic and local ingredients wherever possible, but not all ingredients are organic.

Is your packaging compostable?

Yes! We source compostable containers, paper bags, and cutlery.

I forgot a personal item in your restaurant, how do I contact the location?

Please fill out the contact form (to the right →) and we will get you in touch with the restaurant as soon as possible.

How do I request a donation for my non-profit?

Please fill out the form on the Donations request page. Make sure to answer all questions thoughtfully and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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